Saturday, June 2, 2012


Ah, so, June has come, summer is in full swing it seems, with the heat and humidity rising, my consistent sunburn though I slather myself with SPF 80+, and a considerably higher electric bill.  All in all, I feel like this is going to be a good summer.  Boyfriend and I are working on becoming better people all around, and working on our relationship, our bodies, our interests, and our brains.  I'm working on getting a second job to pay for school in the fall, studying physics on my own, working out 4+ days a week, and really concentrating on my crafting as a viable income source.

Currently, I'm working on my sculpting techniques, and learning how to best use my skills to make awesome shit.  I recently had a successful swap involving fairies, and that's inspired my creative juices to start-a-flowin'.

I just ordered some new pieces to begin crafting with again, and I'm really excited about how awesome everything will turn out to be.  I know things keep going back and forth, changing from one thing to the next, but I honestly feel it's more of a progression than indecisiveness.

On my table now is something I'm actually excited about, haha.  It's solely for my own entertainment purposes at this point, I plan on doing nothing with it other than keeping it forever and being obsessed with it.  Remember the pony picture from this post?  Yeah, there's a fun craft-a-long in my Ravelry Geek Swap group, it's PONY TIME!!  I've never been one obsessed with My Little Pony, but, they are really freakin cute.  Also, I did used to play with them when I was a kid, I got some donated when I was like 5 or 6 from the Mormon neighbors.  Also, I've been way obsessed with TradeChat vlog (about WoW) and she's all cute and obsessed with all that.  She's even got a fun add-on called My Little Companion that is super cute.  I even tried it out, and it's pretty sweet.  Hah.

I'm going to look into sculpting more and making super cute hair accessories and more earrings.  Photos to follow obviously, and I'll also be recruiting my good friend Molly to take photos of all my stuff!

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