Wednesday, December 26, 2012

600 Monsters

In my never ending quest to do good with my talents that, for a long time, have seen no real good in until recently, I've come across a charity organization that I actually feel very passionately about.  Don't get me wrong, my heart goes out to anyone affected by anything I've ever considered knitting for before.  Cancer patients, premature babies, cold kids in Chicago, homeless people, anything.  But this time, it feels different... I can't quite put my finger on it, but, this somehow feels right for me. 

I actually came across it on Facebook, from a crochet/sewing friend who posted it on her timeline.  Or maybe she directly posted it to mine...can't remember.  Either way, after reading their story, and being so affected emotionally by it myself, I can't see a better way to knit up a storm this January. 

Financial strain put a big damper on my Christmas shopping and planning, unfortunately, but, I decided a few days ago to do a belated Christmas special thing for anyone I wanted to get gifts for.  But let me tell you about this great group of people and what they're doing first.  The group is called 600 Monsters Strong, and the goal is to send knitted and crocheted monster toys to children affected by the Newtown, Connecticut school shooting that happened a few weeks ago.  Watching the media coverage the day it happened because I was home sick with a bad flu/cold thing, and literally breaking down as more information came to light about what was actually happening, was a significant factor in the decision to get involved in this organization.  The organization has in fact made contact with the school, and have been approved to send the monsters to the kids in February-ish time.  I've made a personal commitment to knit up 10 of those little buggers by the deadline. 

But here's my first one!  I haven't given him a name yet, but, I think he'll be real cute when he's done :)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

For the...Alliance?

Quick update for today, as I am still kinda sick and for some reason very busy today.  It's a super lame combination, let me just say. 


I've been commissioned to do some more custom work (less annoying... I hope!) for a lined knitted baby blanket!  I've never knitted a blanket before, but, I'm really excited to get started.  I've mostly picked out the yarns and stuff I'm going to be using for it, and I'm really excited to delve deeper into the knitting process.  Unfortunately for my Long Live The Horde! self, it's an Alliance themed blanket, but, I think I'll survive, as the blue and yellow are actually quite nice together... don't tell Garrosh!!  I'm still debating between the traditional royal blue and canary/golden yellow, or doing a baby themed pastel blue and yellow combo.  Either will look wonderful, but I'm thinking about availability and materials.  It's not set in stone yet, but, it's in discussion time :)  Here's a photo!!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Charity Hats

I'll explain more in a post later, but here's some hats I'm knitting for charity :)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Quick Update!

A quick update, because, well, I've been slacking in Blogger world again.  Surprise, surprise.

I have been pretty avid with crafting lately after getting over some illnesses in both the body and the mind.  I've just finished a Christmas present for a friend, and have a couple more slated to go on the needles/table this week!!  No one reads this blog, so I'll be definitely updating as soon as I can get some pictures of everything AND figure out this media card on my new phone. :D SMARTPHONE WHAT I am so technologically advanced now!! 

Anyway, I just wanted to do a quick link, not only for myself for reference later, but for anyone else who needs a quickly knit, perfectly shaped skullcap!!  I only knit 5" instead of the 6" prescribed in the pattern :)

ChemKnits: Generic Skullcap Pattern!