I wasn't sure what to put as a title there, so I went with my general response to the feeling I am experiencing right now. "I don't even know..."
In general, I'm frustrated with a lot of things right now, and I was really hoping it wouldn't do as it unfortunately has... it's killed my crafting motivation :(
Of course this happens when I'm actually on a deadline of sorts for this swap, too. Dammit. I'm so close to being done with this project I can feel it but the last sixty some odd rows are just a struggle. I managed to get all of TWO done last night. The night before I got like five... bleh. I mean, they grow each time, so they take longer every single time, which makes it really obnoxious now... I'm up to like, 195 stitches per row, with a metric fuck ton of yarn overs, knit two together's, slip slip knits, and other lacy crap that I am currently not a fan of because it makes me a big ol grump. I'm realllyyyyy hoping I can get some solid work done on Saturday and tonight because I really don't want to stay up all Saturday night knitting and wake up and knit all day Sunday either... I was really hoping to have an actual day off and sleep in and do NOTHING and maybe have a date or something with a cute boy but this is not looking good. /End rant.